Dry Ice has many applications in the food processing industry.
Its core abilities are its strong cooling action as well as that it doesn’t leave any residue during sublimation. Thus, dry ice can give solutions to various stages of food processing over several product categories.
The basic categories are:
The baking industry incorporates dry ice in the mixing processes / during mixing for several reasons: to slow down the yeast leavening; to control the temperature of the dough and to prevent bacterial growth. Thanks to some of its properties - dry ice is bacteriostatic, suitable for use in the food industry and residue / water free, dry ice is the perfect addition to any food preparation process.
Meat processing
Many meat processing plants use dry ice (CO2 or liquid) to maintain the temperature of the meat low and to reduce lesions - the dry ice has been found to maintain freshness, colour and flavour in foods.
Cold cuts processing
- in the manufacture of cold cuts, dry ice serves two purposes during preparation:
retards bacterial growth and - maintains charcuterie cold during mixing
Composite construction
Dry ice is used in the manufacture of composite materials to keep their components cool and malleable. For example, aircraft manufacturers use carbon-fibre fabric to manufacture composite structures. To prevent hardening, the carbon-fibre fabric must be kept at a constant and low temperature throughout the manufacturing process. This is ensured by dry ice.